fixed *GetObjByName functions to return 0 and set @error to $_IEStatus_NoMatch when no match was found
Enhanced Functions
added symboloic error status codes to all functions
added Object type checks to all functions - return errors if wrong object type passed
added bounds checking for Index values in *Collection routines
all functions now write colsole messages when errors or warnings are encountered - can be turned on or off with _IEErrorNotify()
reversed order of $s_string and $s_name parameters in _IEFormElementRadioSelect() function
added optional $s_name parameter to _IEFormElementCheckboxSelect() function
New Functions
_IE_Introduction() added - Currently pretty basic. Intended to supplement the helpfile with overview information
_IE_Example() added - currently allow "basic" and "form" to create windows with stock elements to be used in other examples
_IE_VersionInfo() added - returns a 5-element array with version inforamtion for IE.au3
_IEErrorNotify() added - turn orr or on console messages alerting IE.au3 warnings and errors. On by default. With null parameter it returns current status
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